sounds like '
Being John Malkovich' or '
being Cyrus?'... hmm.. well close to..
couple of blogs back, I had posted a cryptic (was it?... :P) blog thinking I just posted a very tough puzzle.. But that was not the case. It was cracked quite easily and quite fast too. I'd said in that I would "celebrate meeting TP face 2 face with the answer in a blog". Well, meeting face to face will take some more time, but thought I'll give out the answers anyways.
Just pool together the
blocked letters from the paragraphs and that is his/her blogger page address. Example? the third paragraph has 'jusjotted' in blocks. So this person's blog is Philip is actually my close friend's colleague. She had not introduced me to him. She had commented to
this blog of his.. and me being a third timer in the US, thought it is better to share my experiences (read it as free advice..;)..) and get introduced in the process. He was the first to crack the code. Congrats dude!!.. No early bird prizes but.. ;)..
Second paragraph in that blog points to
Jayavaradhan .. one more of my close friend's close friends. He was not new to me.. I had even given some anonymous
comments.. which he had kinda figured out too. But I guess I was too obvious... unlike...
chitraaz where she didn't have any clues as to who I was. She was kind of venting out her anger/frustration (or whatever you call it.. the usual emotional outburst, the females find themselves in when they feel they are being deprived of their freedom..) against whom she referred to as
doDDa. Here was one chance to make a friend or take someone off the guard by making an abrupt entry. So I commented as if I was doDDa and I had caught hold of her. That was the begining. Lot of blogs and comments later, I thought I'll disclose my identity and blogged about 'let us b-friends'.
She had not got an idea about what I was or who I was for quite sometime. Then some pro-male comments of mine made her decide I was a male (women never support men in some matters.. :(.. ). But someone who had seen my blogs informed her and so did the secret come to an end and an end to anonymity of being so-called-doDDa, exactly 2 months since it began. BTW.. Chitra and my close friend joined the same employer on the same day. Thats the reason why the photo was there linking all the three. Still guessing what I'm talking about?..