Woman.. part 3
Can't resist but expressing a touchy topic. Its touchy because I've taken the beating many a times whenever I've started this. The italics in the previous sentence is because everytime its been the case that I get the beating before I finish my sentence. Its such a topic which makes women defensive and offensive at the same time. Judgement is out before even taking me through trials. If there is a jury, its worse.. :D. But since its my blog, I shall exercise full freedom. Afterall, thats what I'm writing about here. Beatings welcome only online.. :). End of crap. Story starts.
Asked many women a simple question, 'why do some women wear revealing cloths even when it is damn cold?'.. the only answer I got was 'Let them wear anything they want. Why are you bothered?'. Though my question remains unanswered (and I'm not too keen on getting an answer either.. :P), what makes me wonder is how can the answers from 6-7 different women - different in terms of generation, background, upbringing and enviornment - be the same? Either they follow some sort of religion to support a woman no matter what, or they are just absolutely right.
I'm not blaming. I believe freedom is something everyone loves. So it is not specific to a woman or a man. Even a child hates it when someone tries to disturb him or her when he/she is involved in something interesting. It is not new either. I'm reading 'The story of my experiments with truth'. Even Kasturba was like that even at the age of 13. When Bapu used to boss around trying to restrict her to the confines of home, she would revolt and go about wherever she liked. The point is not about exercising freedom. Its about the attitude one throws while one senses that she is being taken for granted or that she is losing that 'personal space'. For her, this is one of those things which money can't buy, which a woman treasures more than anything else.
Asked many women a simple question, 'why do some women wear revealing cloths even when it is damn cold?'.. the only answer I got was 'Let them wear anything they want. Why are you bothered?'. Though my question remains unanswered (and I'm not too keen on getting an answer either.. :P), what makes me wonder is how can the answers from 6-7 different women - different in terms of generation, background, upbringing and enviornment - be the same? Either they follow some sort of religion to support a woman no matter what, or they are just absolutely right.
I'm not blaming. I believe freedom is something everyone loves. So it is not specific to a woman or a man. Even a child hates it when someone tries to disturb him or her when he/she is involved in something interesting. It is not new either. I'm reading 'The story of my experiments with truth'. Even Kasturba was like that even at the age of 13. When Bapu used to boss around trying to restrict her to the confines of home, she would revolt and go about wherever she liked. The point is not about exercising freedom. Its about the attitude one throws while one senses that she is being taken for granted or that she is losing that 'personal space'. For her, this is one of those things which money can't buy, which a woman treasures more than anything else.
Hmm .... interesting .....
Jay, at 1:57 AM
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