Blackpool trip
05 May, 2007
This was supposed to be one of the busiest weekends and all motorways going out of London were supposed to have been flooded with over 5 million vehicles moving out of London. THe forecast had started close to a week ahead of time. Still we took chance to start at 10am from home. Luckily, the forecast was very similar to the weather forecast, we get sometimes in India. Though there were a lot of vehicles on road, there was no hurry and we arrived at Blackpool at 3pm in the evening.
Hot Ice This one took us high up at a very high speed and drop you suddenly, so much that you just lose touch of your seat. It was OK, but Wonderla was better on a similar ride.
Pepsi - big one This is supposed to be the steepest fall in Europe's rides. Couple of my nerves between the neck and upper back got intertwined I think. But it was worth it. Amaayyyzziiiinnnnggg ride and couple of photos on the ride.
InFusion This was the best I enjoyed the most. The seat doesn't have a leg rest and it turns you up and down quite a few times. This was
IRN-BRU - This was a plain straight ride with one full swing, goes in one direction and come back in reverse.
Space invasion 2 Lesser I say about this, the better. We waited for 45 mins for this ride and turned out to be a damp squib.
Valhalla This was a simulation of some dark tunnels and dungeons with bhoots and some dark, wet coal mines.. the boat goes around these things and fire at some places and ice in some. Kinda nice.. and different.
There was this mystery place, which had a lot of things like the crystal ball and funny mirrors. It had a room, where we sat on a jhoola and it started rotating round and round on its axis. It was actually the room which was turning around this jhoola, but it did give us an illusion as if our jhoola was rotating. whoa!!!
Airplane Simple and good way to end the rides. This reminded me of the roller costers we had in our melas and habbas.
We went to Liverpool to sleep.