My first ever new year eve party

First new years eve party came after 27 years. It may be debatable if we Indians are treasuring more western cultures, sidelining Ugadi and putting the lime light on 31-dec. Anyways, these are the partying times and people need to change along with times. As my Sanksrit teacher used to say, 'Culture is like a flowing river. It should not be stopped or obstructed. It should be let to flow' but in the same breath, I also say we should not be commercialising things, take cue from how Christmas was celebrated this year.
Coming to the purpose of writing this journal, to describe the wonderful evening I had this new years eve.
I went to Joyee's place at 6pm. They were still preparing, Jyo cooking up some cake, Joyee and Hiresh putting colored ribbons to give it a professionally arranged party look. Myself and Jyo went to Shoppers stop for getting her dress. Then I went to 4th block to get couple of dandia cassettes.
By the time I came back, Jyothi had come and shortly, Jay also came. Things were slightly formal, due to a new silent entrant in the loud and talkative group. Sometime later Deb came and tings didn't change either. I asked my alter ego whether to stay or go instead of being a spoil sport. 'Do whatever you feel comfortable. Think if you are comfortable. If yes, stay. Else, go' came the answer. It was about 11:45 when Jum also came. We had dinner, with pooris and Biriyani. I took only Biriyani since my stomach was about to give way due to acidity.. I had had spicy masala dosa in an empty stomach.. grrr... I planned to leave after dinner and wishing everybody a happy new year...
By the time we finished dinner, it was close to the last minute of 2005 and we were ready to wish each other. We lit a candle in a bowl with water and some flowers. That was one of its kind I had never seen before. Joyee/Hiresh's brilliant idea. Above is a pic of that.. Isn't that great?.. Then came 2006 and we wished each other. I actually said bye to Joyee when they were planning to watch some fireworks. Something made me also join then on the terrace to watch some fireworks. Jum pointed out that I was actually doing a rethinking. We got to see some awesome fireworks. Took some photographs and came down..
By then I had actually forgotten about going back. After coming down, dandia sticks came out and I grabbed them.. :(... Whats going on? Didn't you plan to leave? I asked my alter ego again 'Am I doing the right thing by staying back?'... "It may not be safe to go back on a new year eve, and that too on a bike. If you are OK with going alone, fine. Else stay".. came the answer. This alter ego always leaves me with dilemma.. grrr... I also felt, anyways I have acidity, so even if I go home I will nto be able to sleep. Why not spend the night here and have some fun? I'll have to wait for 365 days to get this day again. "STAY IT IS"
Then started dandia, with some brilliant performances from women folk and also Hiresh. There were some comic and funny performances by rest of junta. All in all it was big fun. Dandia fever did not leave us even after we let go of the dandia sticks. We kept clapping as if we are hitting the sticks together...
Then Jum hurt himself and all had to take a break. Then we thought instead of dancing which Jum couldn't do, we will all sit and play some game. And Joyee was all ready with what was required. It was something like musical chairs with a pillow changing hands and when the music stopped, find the guy/girl holding it the victim. There were beggers, mujras, 'maar-daalas', twinkle twinkles, 'talents' and many more to keep people laughing for long. By the time this ended, pleople were really tired and some slow songs followed. Then Hiresh took out his flute and gave a short but sweet performance. This guy seems to be a music afficionado. Everyone tried his/her hands at playing 'Tujhe dekha to yeh jaana..'. By the time everyone finished, that song was demixed in my mind.
Jyothi prepared tasty tea at about 3am and it was refreshing due to ginger. I played some A.R.Rahman slow songs. Jyo got bored of them and asked for some fast numbers. After a short nap, she was back in action. Playing some tamil songs, asking for their meanings, creating her own meanings.
When Hiresh asked for some tea at 4:45am, I thought of taking a short break and took a small but refreshing nap. Had tea and started back home. Everyone was very tired, but very happy. Something I find when we reach our destination while trekking. It was no less than a trek.